Co-creating a future defined by social equity, ecological health, and economic justice by supporting initiatives across six key focus areas

Regenerative Agriculture

We aim to co-create regenerative food systems that minimise waste and protect our vital soil. Food is where nature intersects with human needs. Our focus on regenerative agriculture recognizes food as one of our major sources of energy. Regenerative agriculture is a broad term which covers any approach to food production which cares for the soil, avoids harmful pesticides and herbicides, and takes responsibility for any waste generated. Transforming our food systems is one of the most important ways we can heal our relationship with the planet.

Protecting Biodiversity

We aim to conserve, restore and regenerate our natural ecosystems. We also want to build net-zero, biophilic environments (cities that learn from nature and live in harmony with it).

Steady-state and Degrowth

We support degrowth initiatives that find alternatives to our system of perpetual growth. Renewables will not be able to replace fossil fuels at a scale that will enable our economies to continue growing. We must either plan for a gradual descent now, or face the inevitability of a sudden collapse in the future. The other options currently being entertained, conventional growth or green growth, are simply not viable.

Indigenous Allyship

A new synthesis of science and Indigenous wisdom must be sought. Indigenous cultures retain knowledge and practices that are vital to the repair of our relationship with Mother Earth. They teach us how to honour animals and plants as our equals, not as inferior beings for us to control and exploit. When we approach the natural world with humility, we will be amazed at the bountiful flow of gifts that will come to us in the form of food, medicine, song, art, spirituality, and joy. We want to mobilise and protect Indigenous communities wherever they exist, and connect them to each other in networks of support and alliance.

Power and Equity

We believe in partnership cultures that avoid extreme inequality and hierarchical power. They include: distributed governance (such as Sociocracy); new ownership models such as worker cooperatives and the Commons; strong, collaborative, local communities that prioritise the common good; and embodied practices of inclusion and social justice. We also aim to support historically marginalised groups as a pathway to restoring balance and creating deep, lasting change in the power structures that drive inequality.

Liberation Spaces

Liberation Spaces are glimpses into a world where the process of decolonisation has reached deep inside us, composting unhealthy expressions of power from within. These are sites of ongoing experimentation that aim at transforming consciousness and casting off our mind-forged manacles. This area covers spiritual communities, schools, retreat centers, and metamodern tribes. They are refugia of collaboration and partnership, good ruins and relics for a more beautiful world, and exotic nurseries for imaginal seeds.